hello peeppss!!!
yeah!!ary nie aq t'lbey rajen kot..smpy wt 2 entry ary nie..
ok spt yg kwn aq sroh..
*wt cita psl cinta utk entry2 yg strusnye..
so skg nie aq rsa cm dh da idea la nk wt entry psl 2..
before that, plez explain to me "the meaning of 'cinta monyet' "..
de org ckp cinta monyet nie adlh "cinta bdk2 zaman skola"..
btoi ka??de gak org yg b'cinta dr zaman skola smpy ke jinjang pelamin..
pergh!!mmg setia r org yg b'cinta lma2 nie..
nk dgq cita "cinta monyet" aq dulu r???
ha!!!nk bkak cita lma dh la nie..
klo xmo tau xyh baca tau..hehe
dulu tyme skola rndh la..
skola rndh jer yg plg byk "cinta monyet" nie..so aq pun tyme 2 gak la nk cri cinta monyet 2..
cita aq nie tyme aq drjh 5 klo xslh aq la..
cm nie cite dye..ehem..ehem..
dulu tyme aq drjh 5..de la sorg mmt nie..
aq mnt kt dye,,hahaha
first2 knl 2 tyme "dye" 2 t'clap tmpt basikal dye..(tyme blk skola)
aq n kwn aq nie usya r dye..
adoyai!!malu kot dye..hahaha
sjk dr 2 la aq admire dye..
aq wt cm2 nk sembang n jmpa dye..haha
de skali 2 aw..aq bg dye surat..
lbey rpt skali "surat cinta" la..
bla dye reply blk surat aq 2..pergh!!syiok aih..
sjk 2..aq smpn la surat 2..
lps 2..aq penah bg dye duit RM1 coz kcian dye xde duit nk rehat..
tp dye xamk aw..kcian kot kt aq..:'(
psl 2 aq xkesah la..then aq pn try la lg..
pluang plak t'bukak tyme aq join trip ke ALOR STAR..
uih!!pluang dh t'bukak kot..tgu g???
then aq pun beli la something nk bg kt dye
aq bli LOVE wrna wrni..
aq segan r nk bg kt dye..pas2 aq pun pass la kt kwn aq sruh bg kt dye..
kwn aq pun baling la bnda 2 kt dye..
dye dh nk smbut dh..pas2 bnda 2 jatuh la plak..
then kwn aq pun bg la elok2 kt dye..
trus dye xnk amk..huhuhu..sdey!!!sob3..
pas2 aq pun b'patah kasih kt org len plak..
*aduh..rmai tol yg aq mnt..
mmt sorg nie ank cgu..
tp last2 tyme p rombongan..
aq dpt tau yg kwn aq sorg 2 suka dye gak..
huahuahua!!rsa cm nk nagis jer..tp xpe la aq ngalah..
so..btol la org kata "cinta alam persekolahan hny utk suka2"
n pa yg aq rsa 2 mmg cm 2 pun..
k that all..
p/s: most of boy can't believe..coz dorunk hny la pndi b'main dgn kata2..
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